My New Face

Here is the new face I love to make at mom, dad and Maverick! We think she may be trying to immitate Maverick, but we are not sure. It sure is cute though. When she does the face she sort of blows out of her mouth so she makes this hissing noise as well.
She is still climbing on everything and trying to walk along the couch while holding on. We have to block her off from the living room because we have hardwood floors and she keeps going in there, standing at the coffee table, and slips and falls and hits her head. We are hopefully going to get a rug this week. My parents were so wonderful to give us some money towards one.
We are on green beans and she likes them. She had no problems the first time she ate them. The first few spoonfulls, she was like, "Umm, this isn't carrots (or sweet potatoes or squash)" But then she warmed up to it and she is eating them like a pro. We just have peas left and then we will start on fruit! Yippie!