Four Month Check Up
Kylie had her 4 month check up yesterday. She now weighs 15 lbs, 13 oz! She is 25 inches long so that makes her in the 90th percentile for weight and 75th for height. Not bad at all! The dr. said not to start solids until she is 6 months old, so we will wait until after her 6 month appointment in January. She is really starting to show signs that she wants to eat though! She watches us intently when we eat and even makes chewing motions with her mouth. She chews on everything and has so much drool all the time! She is up to 8 ounces of formula four times a day- it keeps her pretty content right now though.
She is now sleeping all the way through the night! We had a few nights of waking up about 4 or 5 times because she has just learned how to roll from her back to her front! So she was rolling over in her sleep and waking herself up. She would cry and cry until we turned her over. Just yesterday we decided not to go in and turn her over when she cried so she would learn to get herself out of it, but we didn't have to- she slept all night! She did that Monday night as well. So we are well on our way to being consitant. No more swaddling for bedtime anymore- we have to use these sleep-sacks that they zip up into so it goes with her when she moves around. That way she won't get tangled up in blankets or anything.
She is vocalizing a whole lot more lately! She loves to "talk" to us. She also reaches for EVERYTHING! She wants everything in her hands, and then right up to her mouth. So now we have to start being careful about what we leave around for her to get a hold of. She also reaches for our faces if she is in our arms. She likes to feel our faces and grab our lips and noses. Sometimes it actually hurts! Especially when she grabs the skin on our necks or something. She's got a good grip!
She'll be mobile soon so we are going to have to crawl around on the floor and "baby-proof" the house. She is trying to sit up now too. If she is on the floor on her back, she will strain to sit up and I will sort of help her but let her use her muscles to do it. I can tell she really wants to sit- she likes to sit and have us hold her so she can get a better view of her little gym and the toys hanging from it. If we let go she will teeter for a moment and then fall. Sometimes she will catch herself if she falls forward.
Maverick is still ignoring her. She tries to reach out and grab him or pet him but he just moves away. I think there is still some jealousy there. If she is off of my lap, he will immediately jump up as if to say, "I'm the baby now!" He never has nipped at her, even when she gave his ears a good yank one day. I am hoping as she grows they will become better friends.
I will have pictures soon. We are borrowing someone's camera to do some Christmas pictures so I will post them when we get them. We are also hopefully getting a digital camera for Christmas so I can have a current pic up every time I post!