Our little sleeper...
I am so excited because she actually slept from 9:30 until 7:30 without waking up at all last night! She has been off and on recently with the waking up thing. One night she will be perfect like that, and then next she will be up at 2:30 and won't go back to sleep until we eventually feed her. So its getting a lot better. We are going to try to move her bedtime forward, which means she might be waking up earlier. She gets so tired so early that she ends up taking a nap and then isn't tired when we put her down to bed. So we will see what happens. It may work and it may not. I think its going to be a while of trial and error to see what schedule is best for her. As long as we get at least a few nights of sleep, we will be okay.
She has started to lick our faces now. It seems like she is trying to kiss us! We lean in toward her and she puts her hands on our faces. If we put our cheeks to her mouth she will lick us! Its so cute! She is also straining to sit up when she is lying on her back. She will sort of lift her head and shoulders up, and make this little face like she is concentrating and try to sit up. Of course she can't but we try to help her up and let her use her stomach muscles to do it.
We think she has forgotten how to roll over! She hasn't done it in like 2 weeks! We are trying to show her how again so maybe she will start doing that again.
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