All About Kylie

This is a place where we can post updates on Kylie and her achievements.

Monday, August 07, 2006

New Pics

Here are some gorgeous pics Will's mom took of Kylie the other day. I think we are going to get some in 8x10's and frame them.

Kylie is doing great. She has a box that you fit different shaped blocks into the same shaped openings and she is learning how to do that. She knows the block goes in one of the holes and if I point to it she'll try to put the right one in. I have to guide it but she still knows thats where it goes. No more words yet but she will immitate sounds. If I have a doggie in my hands and I say, a doggie goes woof woof, she'll do a little sound that sounds more like a monkey but I think she is trying. She knows Maverick if I say, where's maverick? She'll look around for him and point sometimes. Speaking of, he has been doing a lot better with her. No more snapping- he actually licks her now. He is still having problems with the bathroom issue, but we have a super long leash that we tie him to the coffee table with and it seems to help. We have an appointment tomorrow at the vet to discuss possible anti-anxiety meds. His barking is getting worse now that he's more comfortable be back with us. Maybe medication will help with his anxiety.

We are all done with the bottles :( SHe doesn't mind one bit. I thought she might put up a fuss before bed but she didn't care at all! She gets a sippy cup with milk after she gets her pjs on and we read while she drinks that. Then she brushes her teeth and I lay her down and she goes to sleep. I think I was more upset about giving up that nighttime bottle than her! But we can still cuddle while we read and she gets her cup. Our little baby is not so much a baby anymore. But I am excited to see how she's going to grow up!