Happy Easter!

We had a very nice Easter up in Kansas City this past weekend. Before that, my sister came down and we went to the zoo so here are some pictures of that too. Kylie had a lot of fun there, and was basically in awe by it all. She loved the meerkats and watched them run around a bit. The giraffe blew in our faces so that scared her a bit but she was brave and didn't cry.
She had her 9 month check up last week and she weighs 18.9 pounds and is 27 1/2 inches long. I thought she actually weighed a lot more. She is in 50th percentile for both weight and height. We are allowed to start on any table food she can mash with her gums. So we have tried a lot of different foods and I can already tell she likes that way better than the jar food. She seems to love to feed herself. Only three more months of the bottle, and I honestly will miss it- probably more than her. Thats the only time she will let me cuddle her, is when she eats her bottle. She won't let you do it any other time.
Aunt Jessie got her a Grover doll and she loves him. She takes him in the car with her, and we read our Grover books with him too. She is not doing anything really new right now- just a monkey walk, where she is on her hands but uses her feet instead of knees and her butt sticks up in the air so she looks like a monkey. Its really cute. We thought she was doing it because she is wearing skirts and shorts more often and the hardwood floors might hurt her knees. But she does it on carpet too, so maybe its the next step towards walking. She also has this big blue ball that her Aunt Jessie taught her to throw. So she loves to throw that back and forth, plus she is really big on head-butting it too.